DXCC 325/321 RTTY DXCC # 1,191 RTTY WAS #419 --
5BDXCC #5,230 with 30, 17 and 12 meter
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Amateur Radio Station WAØSXV is active in contests and DX from St. Louis and Taos, New Mexico. I have an Extra Class license and my favorite modes are CW and RTTY. I was licensed in 1961 and my original call sign was WA6USU in Glendora, California. I owe my original license to W6SQK (sk) and my interest in RTTY to W6AEE (sk).
QSL info: I operate from both locations. QSL cards should go to Box 608, Arroyo Seco, NM 87514 regardless of the location worked. An SASE is appreciated. I am in Logbook of the World and usually within 14 days of current. LOTW records are either WAØSXV or WAØSXV/5 depending on the call used at the time. I am also in eQSL.cc. In eQSL.cc all NM Q's are logged as WAØSXV/5 and WAØSXV and MO Q's as WAØSXV due to the fact that their software can't handle locations. This means that if you wish a NM confirm in eqsl.cc for a NM contact you must send the eqsl request to WAØSXV/5. If you cannot confirm a contact in LOTW or eQSL.cc or wonder about a card, please send me email by clicking here. If you are a DX station and wish a card through the bureau, I probably do not require a card. Just send me email here with QSO details and your request. You may check to see if you are in the log by clicking here.